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After Vandalism Rampage, Schoolgirls Blame It on a Comic Book

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All the chairs and desks were over turned. On the chalk board, the kanji character "shi" (死) or "death" was scrawled. But that wasn't all.

According to reports, police picked up two thirteen year old schoolgirls for the school's vandalism as well as breaking and entering.

On the night of February 4, both of them allegedly broke a first floor window at Sakawa Junior High in Kanagawa and entered the school. Then, they supposedly went on a rampage of destruction: The faucet on the fourth floor was left on, flooding the building. Lights were destroyed. Computers and other equipment were busted up. Damages neared the equivalent of US$5,000.


According to Yomiuri, one of the girls told authorities, "Got the idea from a manga [we] were reading that had the same scene." Yomiuri did not mention which manga that was.


This destruction apparently inspired at least one other junior high school vandalism in the same city.


「漫画見て」学校水浸しにした中2女子2人 [Yomiuri]

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