Startling footage from Hokkaido, Japan shows a man going on a rampage in his kei car, repeatedly smashing into another vehicle and trying to run over a man on a bicycle.
News 24 reports that 32-year-old Yutaka Sakuraba has been arrested for attempted murder. Last Friday in the city of Tomakommai, Sakuraba allegedly began ramming another vehicle after its driver, a 51-year-old woman, honked at him for suddenly pulling in front.
Footage shows Sakuraba repeatedly plowing into the back of the woman’s car, which was stopped at a busy intersection. She then turned right, but Sakuraba followed behind and continued to ram her car, even after she pulled into a parking lot.
A nearby man on a bicycle got out his phone to call the police, but Sakuraba then tried to run him over.
Fortunately, the man was not injured—or worse.
The car then backed up and sped towards the woman’s car again, ramming it once more, which can see in the top GIF. The woman in the car was hurt, but reports don’t say if it was a serious injury.
Sakuraba then exited the car, and made his way towards the man, but was subdued by three bystanders. The whole incident reportedly was four minutes long.
FNN News reports that Sakuraba, who is unemployed, had been at a pachinko parlor prior to the incident. “Even before driving, I was irritated,” he’s quoted as saying.
On 2ch, Japan’s biggest online forum, some called for pachinko to be banned.
“If you see incidents like this, people who play pachinko look like they’re out of their minds,” wrote one commenter. Of course, millions of people play pachinko across Japan and lead normal, productive lives, not harming anyone.
It’s unknown how Sakuraba did at pachinko that day. However, on Japanese pachinko sites, there are articles warning about getting upset after losing. For example, website Pachimaru notes, “In an instant, the rest of your life can be ruined by a single action.” Another site, Sanpapachi, lists nine things pachinko players can do to cope with being irritated after losing.
You can watch the full, Japanese-language ANN News report below