To: Crecente
From: Luke
My brain, it is mush. For my birthday last week, my lovely wife bought me the complete Battlestar Galactica box set on Blu-Ray. Every waking second I haven't been working, we've been watching, this my second run-through of the show, and my wife's first.
It got me thinking about something I touched on the other week, when Hurt Locker won some Oscars. See, Battlestar is a show that, on the surface, is about war. Ships fighting, fighters fighting, men and robots fighting.
But it's not really about that. Most of the real action takes place in people's quarters, across meeting tables or on the flight deck. It's where the key decisions are made, and key relationships formed. And that joining of the two is what makes the show so great.
Were Battlestar a game, though, I don't think it would capture that. It'd focus on gunplay, or Viper combat, or both, but those other sides of the conflict, the personal sides, wouldn't get a look-in.
I wish more games would give that kind of thing a look-in.
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