Project Aces returns to the PlayStation Portable this summer in Ace Combat Joint Assault, bringing fierce aerial battles to the skies of London, San Francisco, and Tokyo.
Those are just three of the locations you'll be swapping missiles over in Ace Combat Joint Assault, the second game in the venerable flight combat series for the PSP. While the story seems rather light - players step into the role of an allied pilot, tasked with obliterating the enemy - the new Enhanced Combat View sounds intriguing, as does a new multi-strategic AI, which evolves mission flow based on player choices. It should keep things fresh, at the very least.
Whether you play the game for the story, the eight player online versus mode, or the four player co-op campaign, it looks like you'll be treated to some of the best visuals the PSP can offer.
As long as Project Aces maintains the air superiority it's built up over the past fifteen years, Namco Bandai should be putting a winner in our hands this summer.