We've all thought about it, setting aside an entire weekend to recharge the recently rocky relationship with have with our console of choice... right? Or is that just me and this guy?
It's going to be really nice," the 33-year-old structural engineer said of the upcoming weekend. "No phone calls, no e-mails, no distractions whatsoever. Just me and my Xbox 360. I'll probably even open up a few nice bottles of Arizona Iced Tea for the occasion."
"Hopefully it'll be like it was in the beginning when everything was fresh and new and fun," he added. "When starting a new game didn't feel like a chore, like work."
Read on over on The Onion to hear about Tom Fletcher's hopes and fears regarding the upcoming weekend with that special console.
We'll keep the two of you in our prayers Fletcher.
Man Plans Special Weekend To Reaffirm Commitment To Xbox 360 [The Onion]