PS3 Title Derby Time Online Now Offline
Comment by: Takamofo
Nominated by: MrBionic
Sonys done horsing around...
An Informed Expert Speaks Out On RE5 Racism
Comment by: Pill_Hell_Tom
Nominated by: hazuki
It's so frustrating reading these endless analyses and the dangerously naive comments that they keep generating from gamers.
RACISM EXISTS. It is a real problem and has been for hundreds of years. It is not some collection of imagined injustices that liberals have made up to push an agenda. It is not a political talking point. It is a deeply entrenched element of society that is still a huge issue today and cannot be willed away by uninformed and shortsighted people saying things like "games aren't racist, people are."
Just because you don't want to think about games in a broader context doesn't mean that Resident Evil Five isn't FULL OF INCREDIBLY PROBLEMATIC IMAGERY. That is something that just can't be argued with.
Gamers spend so much of their time complaining that no one takes the medium seriously as an art form but the second anyone tries to examine the implications of a game in any real way you all rush to the comments section to scream about how it's just a game and it's not worth reading into.
What Could Make The Beatles: Rock Band Worth $250?
Comment by: tumama
Nominated by: EloraHRanma
I guess 4 wigs at 15 each, makes those extra 60.
Eidos Pencils In Square Enix Takeover For May
Comment by: TitillatedOcelot
Nominated by: Gorilla Snow is hot for Snorlax
I've always loved how Square Enix becomes SQEX when shortened. It's SQEXy!
And now that they are buying Eidos they can call themselves SQEX ED!
SQEXy and EDucational!
So Which Console Is Buttering Activision's Bread?
Comment by: aw3str1k3r
Nominated by: Sutekh_Slain
That's a awful lot of butter on some generic, stale bread, if you know what I mean.
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