The Sims 4 got an update yesterday that, among others things, added the two new careers to the game. But we already knew about that—the developers had promised they were coming back in November. Buried within EA's announcement was something far more exciting for many Sims fans: the return of a beloved cheat code.
The cheat in question is called "Move Objects On," or "MOO" for short. It was a staple feature for many build mode-focused players back in the glory days of The Sims 3, but EA didn't enable it in the new game from the outset. Essentially, what it does is allow you to combine different objects in the game when you're building stuff. This allows for a much greater degree of customization and variability when working (or playing, I guess) in build mode. Since The Sims is a game about building and managing little virtual dollhouses, the triumphant return of MOO has gotten people excited. As one player by the name of James Turner put it on his YouTube channel "Sim Supply" yesterday: "Move Objects is back, and it's actually better than ever before."
Well, technically it's been available in a different way since September: in the form of a mod. But enabling it as a legitimate cheat in The Sims 4 makes it a lot easier to use for all the players who either don't want to risk destabilizing their game with mods, or don't know how to. Also, bringing it into the main game means that it integrates with the gallery feature. Turner observes in his video that this has been working very well so far as a way to transport the other objects players have made into their own games, or even entire houses.
The Sims 4 only got its latest update yesterday, so builders haven't unlocked the full potential of the cheat yet. But players have already started to have a lot of fun with it, judging by jubilant-sounding posts I've seen on forums for the game and on YouTube.
Reddit user Simify, for instance, posted this fun experiment showing how some of the new game's objects could be combined to make new stuff. Like adding a sign to a fence:
...or creating "stacked table art":
...or turning windows into walls:
...or trashcans into vases:
...or just making everything a lot more cluttered:
It's a small change, sure. But then again: clutter is a crucial aspect of a game like The Sims. It's part of everyday life, after all. So adding all these extra little details can go a long way towards helping players make their dream houses truly come to life.
Other players have already started putting it to use with a more realistic approach, therefore. Like Reddit's Amphy2332, who made a great-looking house called "Shades of Green." You can see the whole thing on this Imgur album, but here are some of my favorites:
This earlier attempt from Simify shows how to start using MOO to add stuff like: "Clutter on chairs, wall decor in the middle of objects, standup piano, decor on piano, decor on fridge, decor on microwave, using objects as tables, and custom trees!"
Ok, so those last two are a little drab-looking. But that tree is pretty spectacular. And again: it's all about the tiny details.
I'd love to show some of my own stuff as well. But I am an absolute embarrassment when it comes to build mode. I tried out MOO earlier today, though, and I had a lot of fun with it all the same.
If you're curious about the cheat, here are EA's instructions for how to activate it, from yesterday's announcement:
Move Objects Cheat: Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, this update also includes the Move Objects Cheat! The Move Objects Cheat allows players to create unique objects by combining two or more items. For example, a player can combine a bed and curtains to create a canopy bed. You can use the cheat with any object. Or you could just make a really cluttered room!
To activate the cheat:
1. Type Ctrl-Shift-C to bring up the game's console.
2. Enter "testingcheats true"
3. Enter "bb.moveobjects"
4. Enter "Ctrl-Shift-C" to close the dialog box
5. To turn off the cheat, repeat steps 1-4.
Note, once the cheat is off, you can't move the affected objects. If you do, the "moveobject" ability will be lost.
And here's a short tutorial video from YouTuber DutchSims4Master:
For some deeper dives, one of the most impressive videos I've come across so far is this 30-minute clip from Deligracy, in which she pretty much builds an entire house from start to finish:
Or, just for fun, James Turner again, kicking around in build mode with MOO on his Twitch stream:
I dunno about you, but there's something about watching people who actually know what they're doing play around inside build mode that just makes me so happy.
I'm gonna go keep trying to step up my building game. But in the meantime, please share some of your new stuff in the comments below!
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq.