If you build a free-to-play massively multiplayer game set in the Star Wars universe, they will come. Sony Online Entertainment reports more than one million registered players a week after the launch of Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.
It was a real no-brainer for Sony Online Entertainment. Multiplae millions of players flocked to Free Realms, a free-to-play online game based on a wholly original intellectual property. Apply the Star Wars license to that model, shake vigorously, and SOE has another player magnet on its hands. It might be a bunch of Star Wars-themed mini-games wrapped up in MMO trappings, but they are free. People enjoy free things.
"We are thrilled to have one million players in Clone Wars Adventures just one week after launch and look forward to seeing the player community continue to grow," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. "Combining the technology, design infrastructure and lessons learned from Free Realms with the amazing Clone Wars brand, we knew we could make a great game, and we're happy to see that fans of all ages are enjoying the content as much as we enjoyed creating it."
SOE celebrates the milestone by gifting each player with a limited edition in-game Golden Mouse Droid pet. There will also be an in-game party on September 24 at 3PM Pacific for players who enjoy milling about.
To play Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, visit the game's official website.