Sometimes, it's the little acts of heroism that make the biggest impression. Blogger Kristen Wolfe has written a humbly triumphant tribute to one such everyday hero, a young man who stood up for his little brother's right to enjoy "girly" video games.
Wolfe, who works as a shift manager at a Gamestop, witnessed a strapping young man helping his younger brother shop for a game. They looked through a few different titles, with the younger one intent on finding a game with a female main character, as well as a purple controller, which he said was his favorite of all the colors. The two eventually settled on Mirror's Edge.
However, the boys' father came into the shop and clearly didn't approve of the choice, pushing the younger son to get something "manly" like Dead Island, despite his younger son's protestations.
That's when big brother stepped in. He said to his Dad "It's my money, it's my gift to him, if it's what he wants I'm getting it for him, and if your going to hit anyone for it, it's going to be me." Dad just gives his oldest son a strong stern stare down, and then leaves the store. Little brother is crying quietly, I walk over and ruffle his hair (yes this happened all in front of me.) I say "I'm a girl, and I like the color blue, and I like shooting games. There's nothing wrong with what you like. Even if it's different than what people think you should." I smile, he smiles back (my heart melts!) Big brother then leans down, kisses little brother on the head, and says "Don't worry dude." They check out and leave, and all I can think is how awesome big brother is, how sweet little brother is, and how Dad ought to be ashamed for trying to make his son any other way.
Aw! That is about the best story I read this week. We should all be so lucky as to have an older brother like that.
Dear Customer who stuck up for his little brother, [Sweet up 'n Down]