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90 Percent Booked

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To: Bash
From: Crecente
Re: I Think I'm Afraid of Heights

I'm dong to about a half dozen developers and or publishers who I need to book still. I'm kinda surprised I was able to book our full E3 schedule in essentially two days. It's tight, but not insane, sort of like every year.


With such a small group of reporters we have to essentially parachute into the event and start laying down the reportage and writeupatude. Hopefully everyone will be ready.


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Dragon Age: Origins Preview: Violence, Lust and Betrayal
Kung Fu Hustle Preview: Do The Hustle
Capcom's Next Wii Original Learning From Mistake Of Last One
Velvet Assassin Review: Lie Back And Think Of England
Atari Nixes Official E3 Presence
Scratch DJ, Activision Set to Do Cash For Code Swap
Team Fortress 2's Sniper Ups His Arsenal With "The Huntsman"


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