Aussie games collector Onur Gonullu has, in just five years, amassed a haul of 550 mostly retro video games, which can be played on over 20 mostly retro video game consoles, from the Famicom to the Master System to the Xbox. He's spent over $6000, and it's a collection to be proud of.
So it's sad to see Onur has, as we would say, pulled up stumps and is walking away. Not because he's dying from cancer, or because he needs to fund a trip to Japan to buy more games, but because he's... getting married.
Say it ain't so, Onur.
"I am growing up, really," he told the Sydney Morning Herald. "If I had time I would play them, I would, but I don't—I like to go fishing."
With the collection priced at a modest $4200, the proceeds are going towards... furniture.
"Family is much more important and it is time."
Well. Good luck, Onur. Those of us older than you but yet to grow up will pour one out for you and your collection.