Hi, Kotaku, and welcome to the Wednesday open thread. Let's have at it. Things from the internet!
- Revolting Snacks of America tackles the Hello Kitty Marshmallow Pop - "A disintegrating sidewall tire inflated with stale red-velvet cake and stored in a puddle behind the dollar store."
- The "Fuck You" pizza from Pizza Hut - Ha, this reminds me of the nine-bladed razor post The Onion did a while ago.
- John Woo is directing a remake of Youth of the Beast - Yakuza vs. Russian Mob! Awesome.
- Identifying the Moment in Natalie Portman's Career Timeline In Which It Was OK To Admit a Crush - The headline says it all.
- Lego Minifig Babies - Yep. I really was bound to happen.
And that's that. Have good chatting, all!