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The Old Dude Who Apparently Won't Stop Robbing Arcades

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Japan's Mainichi Daily News lists Hiroyuki Miura (not pictured) as "unemployed". That's not exactly fair. He's apparently self-employed, with police believing that Miura has been breaking into arcades across Japan.

Last year on Nov. 29, the 64-year-old is suspected of breaking into a Iwakuni City game center by smashing a window and stealing ¥86,000 (US$1,119) from the change machines.

According to The Mainichi Daily News, Miura, now in police custody, denied these charges.


Last Dec., Miura was caught red handed stealing money in a Shimonoseki City arcade and arrested. Police are looking into break-ins with similar M.O.s in four different Japanese prefectures.


While many senior citizens hang out at arcades in Japan, if these charges are true, Miura was doing more than that; he was stealing from them.


窃盗:ゲーセン荒らし容疑の男、再逮捕--長府署など /山口 [毎日新聞]

(Top photo: Shizuo Kambayashi | Outlet)