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Sony Offering Chance to Get PlayStation Vita Early with First Edition Bundle

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So, maybe you thought the wait for the PlayStation Vita would finally end on the just-announced launch date of February 22, 2012. Well, it will, but for a lucky few it'll end a week earlier. Sony's just announced that their new handheld will be offered in a new First Edition bundle.

In the U.S., said bundle includes a PS Vita 3G + Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $349.99. The Canadian bundle includes a Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $299.99.

Basically, you have to commit to getting the 3G-enabled model of the Vita in America in order to play it earlier than anyone else. This plan could backfire if the rest of the launch games are locked to the 2/22/12 launch date, though... Pre-sale orders for the First Edition PlayStation Vita bundle start today at select retailers.


Get Your Hands on PS Vita Early with the First Edition Bundle [PlayStation Blog]

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