An individual who apparently is in a refuge shelter because of the March 11 earthquake received a special package from Nintendo. This, it seems, is it.
Nintendo is sending out DSi units with DS Terebi attachments. Released in 2007, DS Terebi is a 1seg-based tuner that enables the DS to receive 1seg television broadcasts.
The individual who got the package expressed his thanks to Nintendo, while more cynical Japanese netizens speculated that Nintendo was simply clearing out excess inventory. Even if that's true, the quake victims might find a better use for the DSi and DS Terebi than simply having them sit on stockroom shelves.
Previously, Nintendo donated ¥300 million (over $3.5 million) to quake victims.
Classy and generous move on Nintendo's part.
【神企業】任天堂、避難所にDSテレビセットを届ける [オレ的ゲーム速報]