Nintendo's legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto sat down with Kotaku to talk about Nintendo's biggest projects and shared some details on the newly announced Super Mario Galaxy.
"For the most part up until now on a single console we haven't made two games in a single franchise," Miyamoto said. "But when we first made Super Mario Galaxy for Wii it was the first time we really experimented with the spherical worlds. We had a lot of things we were interested in doing and a lot of creative freedom that we had in that world that we were interested [in doing]."
Miyamoto said that the original plan was to "essentially create new variations of the worlds in Super Mario Galaxy." But, over time, the developers have had so many ideas that Miyamoto estimates that 90% of the game's levels are all new. The rest, he said, are levels from the original Mario Galaxy with different objectives.
The controls haven't changed, but Mario's been given new abilities via the addition of Yoshi and a drill item. Miyamoto also told Kotaku that "there's something that might be kind of a little bit ghost like but still a little different."
As the project is not going to be released until next year, Mr. Miyamoto said he wanted to talk more about Super Mario Brothers for the Wii. We'll have more on that later.