Miles Edgeworth, star of upcoming Ace Attorney title Gyakuten Kenji, is a more...fashionable man than Phoenix Wright. Hence the purple suit. And the limited edition game featuring leather cases and a tea cup.
Yes, hammering home the point that Edgeworth is half-Prince, half-Victorian gentleman, Capcom's limited edition bundle for Gyakuten Kenji (the game, not the hardware bundle we've already shown you) includes an orchestral soundtrack, a leather (or, at least, leather-looking) DS cartridge wallet, some other junk like portrait cards, and the game itself.
As a bonus, pre-order the game from the Japanese Capcom store and you'll get a Gyakuten Kenji tea cup. And not just any tea cup. A frilly, girly tea cup.
The pack is going for 9,490, and if you hadn't worked it out by now, yes, it's a Japan-only deal.
Ace Attorney Limited Edition - Japan [Capcom]