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360 Avatars: Coming To A Game/Marketing Campaign Near You

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As it stands, we're getting new 360 avatars every, what, week or two? But soon, say Rare, we'll be getting them with specific games, "just like achievements".

Chatting with VG247, art head Lee Musgrave at Rare - who provided the avatars for the 360 - says that "In time… games will be able to give away clothes and accessories just like Achievements".

Elaborating further, producer Stacey Law says "We are currently working with multiple partners who have expressed interest in using Avatars".


Note she says partners, not developers. So while it's likely there'll be games released soon that will come bundled with new, tie-in outfits, you should expect regular ol' commercial tie-ins as well. Or maybe a combination of both. Cool Spot shades and outfit, anyone?

Rare: Games to give out Avatar clothing “like Achievements” [VG247]