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Japan's Latest PS3 Bundle

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Just like Microsoft in Europe, Sony Japan are going bananas for hardware bundles this holiday season. With Gran Turismo 5: Prologue and LittleBigPlanet deals already in place, they announced over the weekend a third bundle, this time for Pro Evo 2009 (or, as it's known there, Winning Eleven 2009). It'll include a new (for Japan) 80GB PS3, a copy of Pro Evo 2009 and not one, but two DualShock 3 controllers. The bundle will sell for ¥46,980 (USD$500), and goes on sale November 27. 5000円以上お得! 『ウイイレ2009』PS3本体同梱版のパッケージはド真ん中にメッシ [Famitsu]