Palm Pre owners can now get as distracted in the bathroom as iPhone owners do, as Palm introduces the first 3D games to the Palm App Catalog, with Electronic Arts, Gameloft, and Glu Mobile leading the charge.
I have to admit that I know next to nothing about the Palm Pre, but it has to be good news that games like Need for Speed Undercover, The Sims 3, and Let's Golf are now available for the platform, right? Those are just three of the seven new 3D games available today, with Monopoly, Asphalt 5: Elite Racing, Glyder 2, and X-Plane making up the difference.
The new games are all a result of the new Palm webOS Plug-in Development Kit, which extends the Palm webOS SDK with tools and API's, making it easy for developers to include C and C++ code into their applications. Electronic Arts, Gameloft, Glu Mobile, and Laminar Research were all given early access to the kit, a public beta of which will be made available in March.
"The performance of the platform allowed us to create these great games in a limited timeframe," said Baudouin Corman, vice president of publishing, Americas, Gameloft. "webOS allows us to deliver an outstanding gaming experience, and we look forward to bringing our best games to Palm customers worldwide.""We expect the plug-in model to play an important role in the evolution of the webOS platform, just as plug-ins have with web browsers," said Mitic. "And with this plug-in, we are making it super-simple for developers to bring the hottest games to webOS."
In addition to the 3D titles, EA has released Tetris, Sodoku, and Scrabble, with Gameloft delivering Brain Challenge and The Oregon Trail as well.
"We are very excited about the potential of webOS as a platform for mobile 3D gaming," said Katie Mitic, senior vice president, Product Marketing, Palm, Inc. "This is a key application category, and we've worked closely with some of the leading game developers to deliver a great game experience for our customers."
Any Palm Pre owners out there suddenly getting the gaming itch?