Typically, whenever society finds itself walking the line between normalcy and absurdity, the peanut gallery within The Simpsons’ fandom can pinpoint an episode from the long-running animated sitcom that predicted whatever awful or neat phenomenon we find ourselves in. This time around, however, as observed by Twitter user chronowerx, it’s NBC’s Emmy Award-winning comedy 30 Rock that’s predicted the most unconventional marvels we’ve experienced to date in 2023; namely the AI-generated Seinield Twitch stream and a reality TV show about MILFs.
Alright, let’s start with the latter because I honestly don’t want to spend any more time thinking about this show’s premise than I have to. In the 11th episode of 30 Rock’s second season, titled “MILF Island,” the show’s cast gathers around to watch a reality TV show called…you guessed it!...MILF Island. As its commercial describes it, MILF Island is a show where 20 MILFs and 50 eighth-grade boys compete in a “no rules” contest to determine who will be the “final mommy you want to…oh you know.”
While this episode was filmed back in the halcyon days of 2008, TV network TLC decided to make this joke a reality with the debut of MILF Manor. Instead of completely copying 30 Rock’s idea by having underage children compete with moms to determine who’s the top MILF, TLC’s show has eight pairs of MILFs and…ugh…their sons living in a mansion while they all look for love. To make matters all the more awkward, the moms and sons have to share a bedroom. Apparently, one of the moms tries to sleep with one of the sons in the show’s first episode and tells her son that the guy’s his new dad. Christ.
Read More: AI-Generated Seinfeld-Like Twitch ‘TV Show’ Is Peak Absurdity
Now that you’ve recorded MILF Manor on your DVR, let’s move on to AI-generated Seinfeld. Nothing, Forever is a Seinfeld-inspired digital sitcom that amassed thousands of viewers on Twitch with its 24-hour-a-day, machine-learning-fueled streams of characters spouting awkward non-sequiturs. And as it turns out, AI-generated Seinfeld, much like MILF Manor, was yet another thing 30 Rock kinda sorta predicted.
Oddly enough, this prediction also spawns from 30 Rock’s second season, its first episode in this case. Titled “SeinfeldVision,” the episode finds comedian Jerry Seinfeld (I told you we’d loop back to him) confronting NBC executive Jack Donaghy (played by Alec Baldwin) about his decision to digitally shoe-horn Seinfeld into NBC shows like Law & Order, ER, and, yes, MILF Island. Seinfeld wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being artificially inserted into MILF Island, and I think he dodged a bullet considering AI-generated Seinfeld was banned from Twitch for making transphobic “jokes.” Somewhere I bet Seinfeld’s buddy, Dave Chappelle, is applauding the bundle of 1s and 0s for its uninspired human-fed trash excuse for a joke.