Previously named “Canada’s most infamous intellectual” by Vice News and the “custodian of the patriarchy” by The New York Times, blubbering meat muppet Jordan Peterson has now been reduced to making long YouTube videos whining about being kicked off Twitter for doubling down on transphobic comments. Tragic news for the patriarchy, but perfect fodder for some real good video game memes.
I’m not going to dignify the Dark Web dweeb’s latest cancellation theater by dissecting it, other than to say the former University of Toronto professor tweeted some really offensive nonsense, was suspended from Twitter for it, and then said on YouTube he’d rather die than delete the tweet. The video is 14 minutes long and highly produced despite consisting almost exclusively of the man who once refused to eat anything but beef for several months ranting like a Batman villain about Twitter’s terms of service.
Minus the hate speech it’s high camp, and social media responded accordingly, breaking out the especially ridiculous parts where Peterson sounds like a late ‘90s FMV antagonist and remixing them to famous video game scenes. Specifically, the part where he 100 percent unironically sputters “Up yours, woke moralists, we’ll see who cancels who!”
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3’s Tim Curry was the most obvious analog. But remixes for Metal Gear, Half-Life, and even Remedy’s Control quickly entered the mix.
But my favorite one had nothing to do with video games. It was instead a classic of the genre.
Is Peterson mimicking Kermit the Frog or is Kermit the Frog mimicking Peterson? Who’s to say.
Of course, while the “We’ll see who cancels who” bit blew up on Twitter, it wasn’t even the most ridiculous part of Peterson’s rant. “If I’m required to acknowledge that my tweet violated the Twitter rules—what rules you sons of bitches?!” he howled like a Canadian Waluigi elsewhere in the video.
In the words of Tim Heidecker, what a weirdo.
Update: 7/11/22, 9:37 a.m. ET: Okay one more: