In Attack on Titan, the human-eating Titans are horrifying and freaky. So naturally, when official Titan trash and recycling bins were introduced in Japan, they also look unsettling—even more so when placed next to Coca-Cola vending machines.
As part of an effort to promote recycling and good urban sanitation, Coca-Cola Japan has teamed with local officials to install the receptacles as part of an environmentally conscious “Change for the Blue” project.
According to the official announcement, the Titan in the top photo is called a kyojin-gata gomibako (巨人型ごみ箱) or “Titan-shaped trash can.” Placed near two recycling bins and a vending machine in Oita City, the arresting-looking trash can is to encourage people to throw away litter.
This Attack on Titan trash bin will be installed for a limited time only, until November 22.

It’s not the first of its ilk, however! Earlier this year, an Attack on Titan recycling bin was also installed in Oita. Unlike the trash bin, this one was for collecting polyethylene terephthalate bottles, which are widely sold via Japanese supermarkets, convenience stores, and vending machines.
Here is a photo of people feeding plastic bottles for the Titan to eat!

Both of these should replace all trash and recycling bins all across Japan. Heck, don’t stop there. Put these everywhere.
The reason, however, why these are being installed in Oita is that the prefecture is Attack on Titan creator Hajime Isayama’s birthplace. So far, the prefecture is more than happy to embrace the popular manga and anime. Back in March, life-sized bronze statues of Attack on Titan’s Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, and Mikasa were also unveiled at the foot of the Oyama Dam in Oita. The three characters gaze up to at the dam, as if they were watching a Titan peer over. Isayama spoke at the dedication, where he thanked an audience for the $392,673 in donations that was raised through crowdfunding.
Oita is quickly becoming the Attack on Titan prefecture!