Trick art is quite popular in Japan. Heck, it’s popular everywhere! Japanese Twitter user Shiro decided to try his hand at making some in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
The game, of course, has been a hotbed of custom creations ever since it was released, from the amazing to the bizarre. For those unable to wait for new AC content, it’s always possible to make your own.
Trick art, though, is especially, ahem, tricky to make in Animal Crossing and anywhere else for that matter.
“I like trick art so I gave it a go at creating this,” Shiro tells Kotaku.
Check it out in motion, which shows off the trick off better, I think. It looks reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s Relativity, which dates from 1953 and where, at first glance, the laws of gravity seem not to apply.
In Japanese, mugen kairou (無限回廊) means “infinite corridor.” It is not the Japanese name of Escher’s Relativity, which is Soutaisei (相対性), or, literally, “realtivity.” If the mugen kairou kanji looks familiar, that’s because it was used for the Japanese title of the 2008 PlayStation Portable puzzle game Echochrome. It was inspired by M.C. Escher, especially Relativity. Shiro’s work looks to be as well.
(A quick sidetrack: Escher has a deep connection to Japan. His father, George, had apparently been an oyatoi gaikokujin, which were foreign employees hired by the Meiji Government in Japan during the 19th century to help the country in its modernization process. As a civil engineer, George would have been able to provide advice on public works.)
“Bringing the infinite corridor theme to life was quite hard,” Shiro tells Kotaku. “It took about a month and a half after I started. I tweeted it out once I had finished!”
Bravo! Well done.