Fortnite’s gotten a crossover with Mistborn, a fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson. Following a Twitter teaser, players can now get a skin of character Kelsier along with a themed back bling, pickaxe, and load screen. It’s the game’s first book tie-in.
A few Kotaku staffers have read Mistborn and were excited by this news. Another contingent of us immediately began shitposting in Slack, discussing other literature Fortnite should add to its gaping maw. I’m a pretentious book nerd and so drove myself to hysterics trying to decide which volume of Marcel Proust’s In Search Of Lost Time should get the Fortnite treatment (I ultimately decided it should be the third volume, The Guermantes Way, because it’s full of people I can never tell apart, much like Fortnite itself.). Here are some other jokes we found very funny and/or actually awesome.
- Fortnite x A Tale Of Two Cities
- Fortnite x Mrs. Dalloway
- Fortnite x A Modest Proposal
- Fortnite x A Farewell To Arms
- Fortnite x Animorphs
- Fortnite x The Chocolate War
- Fortnite x Ethan Frome
- Fortnite x Invisible Man
- Fortnite x Catcher In The Rye
- Fortnite x The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas
- Fortnite x Slaughterhouse-Five
- Fortnite x Parable of the Sower
- Fortnite x The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Fortnite x Beezus and Ramona
- Fortnite x Death of a Salesman
- Fortnite x The Three-Body Problem
- Fortnite x Beowulf
- Fortnite x Wuthering Heights
- Fortnite x The Outsiders
- Fortnite x Of Mice and Men
- Fortnite x The Great Gatsby
- Fortnite x Pride and Prejudice
If you’ll permit me to throw in some great books I’ve read recently, a Fortnite x The Only Good Indians Halloween crossover event would be dope. I think Epic could have a lot of fun with a Fortnite x Interior Chinatown crossover too. I’m going to tickle myself imagining the possibilities in a Fortnite x Such A Fun Age tie-in, and lastly, because I’m 100% biased in favor of my friends’ books, leave you with the awe-inspiring thought of Fortnite x Detransition, Baby. Your move, Donald Mustard.