Yikes! A Japanese poll asked one thousand men and women, ranging in ages from teens to 60s, to name which anime or manga they’d like made live-action, courtesy of Hollywood. The reply that took the number one slot should surprise no one, really.
It was, well, “nothing” or “none.”
Here, via Yahoo News! Japan, is the rest of the top ten:
1. Nothing/None: 456 votes
2. Demon Slayer: 60 votes
3. Attack on Titan: 48 votes
4. Jujutsu Kaisen: 34 votes
5. Naruto: 24 votes
6. Detective Conan: 18 votes
7. Slam Dunk: 15 votes
7. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 15 votes
7. My Hero Academia: 15 votes
10. Hunter x Hunter: 14 votes
What about you? Which would you pick?