The first new Battletoads game in over 25 years is coming to Xbox One and PC via Steam next month.
A new game in the series that originally began on NES, Battletoads is an animated beat ‘em up that’s doing everything it can to channel the love and nostalgia around the 1991 release. It’ll also have multiplayer coop for up to three people and enough different difficulty settings that actually beating this one might not feel like a pure test of stamina and will power.
Developed by Dlala Studios with help from Rare, it’s also coming to Game Pass on both console and PC. The remaster of the original game is also currently available to play on Game Pass via the Rare Replay collection.
Microsoft first announced the new Battletoads at E3 2018 with a release window of last year. Then last year came and went but Battletoads didn’t. I was a bit worried when it seemed like we were about to get through 2020's not-E3 season without hearing about the game at all, so this morning’s release date announcement is a pleasant surprise. Battletoads looks like exactly the kind of Saturday morning cartoon nonsense I need more of in my life right now.