During a special YouTube presentation this morning, The Pokémon Company announced a new version of classic Nintendo 64 game Pokémon Snap in development for Nintendo Switch.
Released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, Pokémon Snap is a photo safari spinoff of the monster-collecting RPG series in which players are tasked with snapping pictures of pocket monsters while traveling through exotic locales. New Pokémon Snap looks to be the same sort of jam, only with many more Pokémon looking better than ever before.

The New Pokémon Snap trailer starts around the 5:30 mark in the video below.
If you look in the lower-left corner of the screen at around 6:24, you’ll see the game is being developed by Bandai Namco instead of the original developer, Hal Laboratory.

Check out the official game website for more on New Pokémon Snap.