Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe and I love learning more about the creatures in it. So, Here’s Another Pokemon! It’s Pidove!
Pidove Details
Type: Normal/Flying
Average Height: 1' 00"
Average Weight: 4.6 lbs.
First Added In Generation V
Intelligence is a strange thing. Humans like to think we are the smartest creatures on the planet, but throw most of us in a jungle, naked with no supplies and all our fancy words and math won’t save us from a tiger. Intelligence is all about context, really. That still doesn’t give Pidove any excuses for being so dumb and forgetful that it forgets its own name. Stupid is as stupid does and this pigeon ain’t got much in the way of brains to do anything with.
Pidove is a small bird Pokemon that is very reminiscent of a real-life pigeon. A lot of people think pigeons are stupid, but in fact, they are pretty smart! Seriously. However, while Pidove looks like a pigeon, it sure as shit ain’t smart like one. According to multiple Pokedex entries, Pidove is not only forgetful but not very bright, either. In Detective Pikachu (the game) it literally forgets its name.
Having a Pokemon that is both forgetful and stupid isn’t great for battles. Again, according to Pokedex entries found on Bulbapedia, Pidove will often forget commands and orders mid-battle. This is not ideal in a fight against another Pokemon. And even if it remembers what to do by some miracle, you still are fighting with a bird that weighs less than 5lbs and is only a foot tall. That thing ain’t stopping a Charizard anytime soon.
Pidove does highlight something about the Pokemon universe that I’ve always thought about. It is weird that EVERY Pokemon is caught by trainers and used in battles. Pidove is a great example of why this is bad. Just like in the real world, not every animal is going to be valuable in a fight. Pidove should be used to send messages around the Pokemon cities, not in cage fights ran by teenagers and gym leaders. Be free Pidove. Fly away! Leave this terrible world and- OH shit...WATCH OUT FOR THE ELECTRICAL WI- *ZAPPP!*
Favorite Fan Art

Animals wearing hats are always cute. Even Pidove looks better and dare I say, smarter while wearing a nice hat.
Random Facts
- In the TV show, Pidove’s Pokedex entry mentions that it isn’t attracted to shiny objects. No other Pokedex entry in any game says this. Either Ash’s Pokedex is broken or nobody ever thought to share this useless fact with other people.
- Maybe not be attracted to shiny objects is a sign that Pidove is smarter than we might think. But you could also argue it is so dumb compared to other birds that it screws this up too.
- Pidove is supposedly very nice and sincere. Not sure what that means, but at least it means Pidove ain’t going to sneak up behind you and peck your ears or something. So that’s nice.
Best Comment From Last Week
I’d be fascinated to meet anyone whose favorite Pokemon is Grumpig. Like, not in a condescending way, I’d just love to see what people see in it.
I would also love to meet people who have weird favorite Pokemon. Like, who’s favorite Pokemon is Luvdisc and why?
That will be my next weekly series after Here’s Another Pokemon ends.
Here’s Another Pokemon is a weekly look into one Pokemon and how weird, disturbing, silly, or cool it is and why. Catch new entries each weekend and click here to see all of the past Pokemon we have covered.