Singer and actress Narsha was recently accused of Photoshopping several Instagram photos, because how the telephone pole looked in the background.
Below are the photos in question. The telephone on the left is bent, and the implication is that the photo has been edited to change her appearance. Some photo processing tools, such as ones that make faces smaller or bodies longer, inadvertently alter the background.
As Koreaboo reports, SBS television program Night of TV Entertainment had an expert examine the photo.
“If the photo was edited, the horizontal and vertical lines should have moved together. The windowsill or the lines along the wall should have been bent as well. The eaves too. But they’re not bent at all,” the expert said (via Koreaboo).
Then, there’s the fact that the actual telephone pole is curved.
Narsha took the accusations in good stride, saying that meant the photo was pretty.
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