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You Can Play A Way Out Online With Only One Copy

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The fantastic prison break co-op game, A Way Out, drops today. In order to play it, you’ll need to grab a friend, whether that be couch co-op or online. If you’re opting to play online, don’t worry. It’s hilariously simple. Your partner doesn’t even need a copy of the game.

Heather Alexandra and I played A Way Out sitting side by side on my couch. This seems like the ideal way to play, but not everyone has a buddy that’s willing to spend six hours on their butt playing a video game at their fingertips like I do. Hazelight, the developers behind A Way Out say that if you want to play a with a friend online, only one of you needs a copy of the game. Heather and I decided to test it out, and it works like a charm.

I had A Way Out downloaded on my Playstation 4, so I opened it up and selected “Play Online.” From there, I sent an invite to Heather.


Heather’s invite included a link to the Playstation store. At first, we both thought this was going to take her to the page to buy the game, but it takes you to this page to download a demo.


It’s a 6gb download, and her version of the game doesn’t come with the option to play locally or start an online session.


But she can join my session, and did.

Playing with someone online felt as seamless as if she were on the couch next to me. We player through the opening sequence of the game, where Vincent goes through prison intake, and then her and Leo get in a fight in the yard. As I walked to my cell and Heather chatted with fellow prisoners, the game didn’t miss a beat.


I still think A Way Out is best experienced with a buddy right at your side, but if that’s not an option, playing online works like a dream.