When Pokémon Go players see a good Pokémon spawn on the map, everyone will start running toward it, even if it’s not particularly rare. It was only a matter of time before someone took advantage of this phenomenon.
Watch what happens after Vine star Logan Paul screams DRAGONITE in the middle of a crowd of players in Central Park:
...there is no Dragonite, of course. But it is rare, that some players dropped everything and ran toward Paul in the hopes of catching one of the most coveted monsters in Pokémon Go. (Here’s the Facebook version, in case you have trouble with the Twitter version.)
If we learn anything from this, let it be to not blindly trust people screaming the names of Pokémon at Pokestops: it might be good to look at the in-game map first before leaving your car running in the middle of traffic.
EDIT: And here’s Dunkey, tricking people much in the same way.