Massive open-world 3D games are lovely, but watching presentations for dozens of them over the course of three days is exhausting. The trailer for the latest installment of Wayforward Technologies’ Shantae series is exactly the refreshment I need.
I enjoy wandering vast three-dimensional worlds as much as the next gamer, but I look at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Watch Dogs 2—any game that involves open-world exploration, really—and I get a little apprehensive. That’s a lot of ground to cover.
Sometimes I want to just go right. Maybe a little left, some up and some down on a single axis, but mostly right. I know where my goal is, and I can focus on taking out enemies, avoiding obstacles and maybe transforming into an elephant or monkey.
So thank goodness for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, due out September 27 for PlayStations, Xboxen, Wii U and PC.
I look at this and think here is a game I can finish. Here is a game where I know where I stand at all times, and while most of those times I’ll be standing in danger, I’m just a jump or a hair-flip away from . . . well, more danger, most likely, but that’s okay. It’s very pretty danger.
Welp, that worked. I’m feeling energized and ready to face E3 day whichever. Celebratory dance time.