Today in Highlight Reel we have devastating knockouts, DOOM streaks, Star Wars dunks and much, much more!
Watch the video above or on our Youtube Page, then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below.
- UFC 2 - double K.O. - Scarnon Bloke
- UFC 2 - _20160402173607 - Sergio Rodrigues
- Dark Souls II - approach dragon carefully - Vozz 1982
- Resident Evil 6 - disappearing car - Gurgii13
- The Division - 8 Man One Punch - RoninLD_Media
- The Division - _gate - Zhe Zhang
- Star Wars: Battlefront - Nothing but net - SuspiciousScout
- Assassin’s Creed Syndicate - Glitch - Ismael Tejeda
- Witcher 3 - I’m watching you - kill3rdav3
- DOOM Beta - Pentakill! - A Torres
- DOOM Beta - Quad kill with a Gauss Cannon / Victory - carlos fregoso
- DOOM Beta - die hard - Derik Guimarães
- Batman Arkham Knight - Help it smells under here! - vaxanity
- Rainbow 6 Siege - (direct submission) Mavrick34
- Far Cry Primal - surprise - deadtreize
- Far Cry Primal - UP TOP BRA - Matt M
- GTA V - gta van gets possessed - UnclePrime
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game, send it to us (with a message confirming that the clip is yours!) at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!