Earlier this week, Monster Gaming tweeted out a picture of energy beverage with the question “Where should we deliver these to?” Red Bull Esports responded with a picture of a dumpster. Cute, but we can do better.
I must admit that when it comes to Energy Drinks, Monster Energy is my go-to. Their zero-calorie Ultra line features some of the best-tasting diet energy beverages around, and Ultra Citron (lemonade-ish) is one of my favorite non-water beverages. It’s still all garbage I shouldn’t drink, but if I’m going to drink garbage, it’s the garbage I choose.,
That said, marketing teams should not ask silly questions on Twitter, opening themselves up to a sick burn from Red Bull, a company that makes drinks that tastes like roses and sadness.
And so, due to popular demand from that one guy in the original post, we’ve got ourselves a Photoshop contest.
So where should they deliver those cases? Landfill? Sunset Overdrive? Oddworld? A better dumpster?
Here’s the original image:
I’m sure someone nice will be a dear and cut out those cases to make a transparent PNG file and drop it in the comments.
Do your thing, upload it, and join us back here next weekend for the results.
How To Upload Images — Instructions
1. Create your ‘Shop and save it to your desktop. Images must be at least 800 pixels wide. If they aren’t, you will be playfully spanked.
2. Go to the bottom of this post
3. This brings up a comment window. Click
4. This brings up Click “Choose file” if you’re uploading your ‘shop from your desktop
5. Alternatively, you can upload the ‘Shop to a free image hosting service. I suggest imgur. Then paste the image’s URL into the field that says “Image URL.” Note: this must be the URL of the image itself, not the page where it is displayed. That means the URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever.
6. Add editorial commentary and hit submit and your image will load. If it doesn’t, upload the image to imgur and paste the image URL as a comment. I promise I will look at it.
Contact the author of this post by dumpster diving, at fahey@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter @bunnyspatial.