Today on Highlight Reel we have mind-bending goals, some classic 80s hits in Metal Gear, tanks, warships, boxes, and much more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- Destiny - EXTREMELY LUCKY Hammer of Sol - MrSmileyFella2
- Rocket League - BEST SAVE OF ALL TIME! - TNFilms
- Rocket League - Holy Shitballs - CMDR Candied-Cyanide
- Mad Max - xii Knightmare
- World of Tanks - How not to ram a heavy tank - NemoMeLacessit
- World of Warships - What do you mean “torpedoes incoming”?! - Vasilis F.
- MGSV - ダンボールとデコイ -HenkyoNoSIREN
- MGSV - Falling guard MGS V - HamHamLunchbox
- MGSV - You Spin Me - Todd Brauns
- MGSV - Surprise rocket blooper - Riccardo Bolzan
- MGSV - Epic Cardboard Box Escape - Nreekez
- Until Dawn - James R Kipping
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you see or record an amazing feat while playing a game or watching a stream, let us know at