We haven’t seen much of the new Hitman game, which is having a kinda weird digital launch. Until something more official turns up, then, here’s a bunch of footage from a very rough version of the game.
The footage’s label says it’s from an “alpha” build, in case you couldn’t work that out from the hilarious disclaimers plastered directly onto the middle of the screen.
It appears to have been uploaded anonymously to the site vid.me (via justjim89 @ NeoGAF ) and there’s quite a bit of stuff to check out. All nine videos are from the same mission, in which you need to infiltrate a Parisian soirée and assassinate a pair of very bad...fashion designers. It’s hard taking too much away from such unfinished code, but the little helping touches like specific information on costume access (Diana narrates info to you for both the waiter and Sheikh) is cool. As is that slick helicopter exit!
I hope the GIANT TEXT WARNINGS THAT YOU’RE TRESPASSING AND HAVE BEEN EXPOSED are part of the actual game design, and not just placeholder assets. Ditto the slick briefing sections.