The Joker finally figures out where Batman gets his wonderful toys in this awesome stop-motion animation. Who can saved the Caped Crusader now?
The latest toy animation from YouTube’s counter656 starts off as your average battle between S.H. Figurearts Batman and Joker—dodging bullets, pulling a knife, getting said knife taken away—the normal stuff.
But at the moment when the Joker generally concedes defeat and gets carted off to Arkham, the villain instead calls in some powerful reinforcements.
Soon enough the tables have turned. Batman is cornered—outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed. All seems lost, but help arrives in the nick of time.
Is this the end of the Joker, or does he still have another trick up his sleeve? Watch and see!
counter656 spent 20 days building this stop-motion masterpiece, piecing it together from some 3,500 pictures and applying some very cool special effects where needed. Check out his entire channel for a couple Saturday mornings’ worth of spectacular toy battles.