When you think of Mobile Suit Gundam, you think of giant mecha. You do not think of hair cuts. But you should.
[Photo: G_Mahler]
The window reads “ガンダム カット” or, literally, “Gundam Cut.” It is a Gundam-themed barber shop in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Don’t expect styles like this:
[Photo: Pancho_Gamer]
The reason for the name is simple: There are giant mobile suits out front.
In an interview with website Aomori Miryoku, the shop’s owner, a Mr. Suzuki, explained that that the statues are the result of a life-long Gundam fandom
[Photo: KDNhrd]
Rather, he enjoys creating art, whether that’s painting or sculpting nudes. A while back, when he hit a creative block, a high school student gave him artistic advice: “Gundam’s good,” the student said.
At that time, Mr. Suzuki was unfamiliar with Gundam, but got into the giant mecha and began making the sculptures that sit out front of his barbershop. Each one can take up to half a year (or longer) to finish. For example, he started his first Gundam in October 2005 and finished it in November 2006. Since then, he began making new mecha statues on a regular basis.
[Photo: NYOKKI1131]
[Photo: Aomori Miryoku]
[Photo: Aomori Miryoku]
[Photo: shintan1028]
[Photo: kenta_0824]
[Photo: NYOKKI1131]
[Photo: Aomori Miryoku]
The unusual barbershop has become somewhat of a local attraction. “Come anytime you like,” he told Aomori Miryoku, “And feel free to take photos.” Oh, we will.
Top photo: Fukudakogyo
To contact the author of this post, write to bashcraftATkotaku.com or find him on Twitter@Brian_Ashcraft.
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