On today's Highlight Reel we have traffic violations in GTA V, deadly rocks in H1Z1, grappling hook action in Hardline and more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- Watch Dogs - Chicago Nightlife - GoodFriendsGaming
- NHL 15 - HELP ME - NHL 15 Jamie Sayer
- Skyrim - Escape plan - Katana (submission)
- H1Z1 - Rock can kill you - KuroNeko PRT
- Battlefield Hardline - Grappling hook glitch - soundneko
- Battlefield Hardline - Zipline Headshot - SLAYBORG
- Battlefield Hardline - My first car ride - genjiarmorxii
- Battlefield 4 - Random Jet RPG - Battlefield 4 - SChowny
- GTA V - I tried to get him to move politely - Rob Watts
- GTA V - Ironhamm of Steel - Grand Theft Auto - V Dodgy At Best
- GTA V - GTA V: Making you despair one cigarette at a time! - Pizzarous
- GTA V - I only wanted to make a U-turn... OfficialH4CK3TT
Previously on Highlight Reel:
Follow Chris (the voice and editor of Highlight Reel) here: @Papapishu. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel here.