They might have been useless at stopping blasters, but the ol' Imperial Stormtrooper armour has at least saved Australian Scott Loxley from being bitten by one of the most poisonous snakes in a country full of poisonous snakes.
Loxley, who is walking across Australia in his Stormtrooper armour to raise money for charity, says in this video that he was recently walking across north Queensland when he came across what he thought was a dead snake on the side of the road.
Turns out, nope, the snake was alive, and it was what he thinks was a King Brown Snake. As he walked past, it shot up and snapped at his legs.
"Thje good news is, the armour...he bit me in the shin, and the armour actually protected me and stopped the bite.
I could feel the teeth on the plastic scraping, but the armour actually stopped something! SO all those people who rag on stormtroopers, saying the armour doesn't do this or doesn't do that, it stopped a snake bite and probably saved my life."