Last month, we detailed Destiny cheats that enabled players to have infinite ammo. Since then, it seems as if cheats available to some players have gotten more complex and game-breaking.
In this footage, we can see YouTube user MhzMiricle entering a special menu where they can tell the game what cheat they'd like to enable:
As you can see, the options include god mode, no cool downs on supers, infinite ammo, and tons of damage, among other things. We see some of these in action right away, too—despite being low level, we can see the seemingly invincible player do up to 99999 damage against enemies. Later, the player goes on to basically one shot a boss.
It's worth noting that cheats such as these, to our knowledge, seem limited to last-gen consoles. In this case, it's the Xbox 360. According to a different YouTube video, these cheats are only available to people who have modded consoles, and not the average everyday Destiny player. Further, the uploader commented "[These cheats are] currently private. It will not be released nor will the Source code."
Still, the fact that these cheats are available to anyone is troubling. While we haven't heard widespread reports of players finding cheaters in Destiny, we did contact Bungie to ask how they are dealing with this situation. We'll update you once we find out.
EDIT: there is some confusion about what to call this. The people using the modes in the footage call it "modding." To the average person, it looks like cheating, and calling it modding seems weird—like we're trying to downplay or mask what is happening. We went with the word cheating because there was a lot of pushback in the last article about calling this sort of thing modding—and, even if we call it modding, the effects of the mods are less disputably cheats for Destiny.