Despite what happened with Aliens: Colonial Marines, the original Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000 is a quintessential PC game, and one that deserves a fair shake.
YouTuber and game critic Noah Caldwell-Gervais put together this thorough, hour-long retrospective on some of the core Aliens Vs. Predator games, starting with Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000 and going all the way through to the less-than-stellar Aliens: Colonial Marines. It's so comprehensive, he even goes in-depth about the Stasis Interrupted DLC which most people didn't stick around to play. In that sense, he's a braver man than I.
It's always great to see long-form video retrospectives that take their time with the subject material. If you like this, you might also like his equally deep video on the Fallout series.
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