The dudes of Final Fantasy XV have a sweet ride in the TGS trailer and they're clearly gonna use it. And while the internet reacted to it, there's always room for photoshops of them gawking at various things. Oh the places they will go!
In this hashtag, Twitter has taken upon itself to 'shop the bros of FFXV cruising by some weird and inane junk. Here are some of the best, presented without further comment.
via @conrad_amsel
via @Andrea_Ritsu
via @Maoooooou_Mkn
via @esegk
via @aae_TKN0121
via @Reetesh
via @muneo3310
via @09611501
via @fuji2003
via @aquariusXV
via @YMDKou
via @morzas_
via @pot_aufeu
And here's my take on it:
Think you can top it? Throw your best 'shop in the comments. If it helps, here' a very sloppy cutout I made for all of you.
Top image via @kabubunet
To contact the author of this post, write to chrisperson (at) Kotaku dot com or find him on Twitter at @papapishu.