Craig Harris is an animator who works with Blizzard's famous cinematics team.
In addition to his video game stuff, however, he's also illustrated a cool children's book (The Adventures of the Mighty Nomad) about...a kid going surfing. As someone who is buried up to his neck in books about animals, farm animals, cars and princesses, it's always nice to see something a bit more unique.
You can see more of Craig's work at his personal site, while you can check out his book here.
To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the top-left corner.
Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you're in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you'd like to share, drop us a line!