The things people will do in front of a camera never cease to amaze, and people who own PS4s are no exception.
People aren't just broadcasting themselves playing games or having sex on the PS4. Christian McCrea, a man who created a blog that documents stuff he comes across on PS4 livestreams, is finding that people livestream the most fascinating things.
Here are a few of the scenes that he's come across, along with McCrea's captions. Note that they're all screenshots that raise more questions than they give us answers.
A preacher imagines a world without evil.
The end of the party came with more planning than the beginning.
Weed (?)
Threats. Only threats.
It is not a replica. They are ready.
He sobbed when people asked if he did this a lot.
He believed each magazine had different germs. He was speaking warnings in three languages about the types of germs encroaching on his house.
Keep in mind, this man is bleeding.
You can look at the rest of McCrea's adventures in the wild world of PS4 livestreams here.