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Miyazaki Films Would Be Just As Pretty With Pixel Art

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Last year's news that Studio Ghibli mastermind and all around amazing person Hayao Miyazaki was retiring hit us all pretty hard here at Kotaku. If you're like us—i.e., still grieving in between bouts of playing Ni No Kuni—then I suggest you feast your eyes on these charming pixellated recreations of iconic moments from some of Miyazaki's many, many great films. Made by artist Richard J. Evans, they all capture the whimsical beauty of the original work with surprising clarity. Now who else is hoping that this gives some game developer the inspiration needed to turn Pom Poko into a retro-style turn-based RPG à la Chrono Trigger?

Check out more of the images below, and the full series here.

via The Creators Project

The original headline of this article read "Miyazaki Films Would Be Just As Pretty In 8-Bit." It has been corrected for clarity.