It took a lot of self-control not to headline this post showcasing footage of Call of Duty: Ghost's second DLC with something like 'Playing As The Predator In Call of Duty Looks Beast*,' just so you know. But it really does look awesome.
This first video by sTaXx may be in Spanish, but it's footage that gives you a good sense of how the DLC looks and plays:
There's footage in English, too, of course—like this video by PLAYtheGAMEcentral which takes a little longer to get to the interesting bits, but still:
Basically, it seems similar to modes in shooters where you can play as a creature that is more powerful than the humans. Very tense, and in this case, particularly cool if you're a fan of Predator.
The $15 expansion releases today for Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
*It's the years of playing online shooters and having people scream things like THAT KILL WAS BEAST, sorry.