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All The Assassin's Creed Naval Battles You Can Take Coming December 5

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Ahoy, Android and iOS mateys! No, I can't do that. That's stupid. I'll just — look, Assassin's Creed Pirates is coming to iOS and Android on December 5. It has all the boats. Look at the goddamned boats.

My brother was the biggest Assassin's Creed fan I knew, until Assassin's Creed III made him do things with boats. He's avoided IV so far, because of boats, so I very much doubt he'll be interested in Assassin's Creed: All The Boats, even if it is only $4.99 and coming to the Amazon App Store as well as iTunes and Google Play.


I think he just prefers the assassin bits of the games, rather than the boat parts. He'd absolutely despise these screenshots. I'd tell him Ubisoft created an entirely new engine to render them in, and he would not care at all.