Draw Something is not a game that hinges on artistic talents, but there are definitely some useful tips to drawing better.
This doesn't always mean coloring within the lines. You can be a pro at the game without being a pro artist. All you need is a comprehensible image, but you'd be surprised at how many players don't utilize even the most basic of tricks to help them in that goal.
Without further ado, I present to you 10 ways to improve your Draw Something skills.
1. The line thickness option is your friend
Neglecting this option is usually the sign of a first-time player. You hop in a game, excited to test the skills of your new opponent, and quickly realize that their next 20 or so drawings are only going to be using the default thickness setting before they realize that others exist. Blobs of drawings are hard to decipher. For the love of art, recognize that you can draw details more effectively with the thinnest option. The same goes for coloring in large areas of space with the thickets line option. Make use of these to help your drawing.
2. Diversify your color palette
This one is more for fun than for function. You don't necessarily need different colors to be able to portray your concept effectively, but it's helpful and it's fun. Draw Something isn't only about besting your opponent. It's about having fun while drawing something out for someone, even if it's a laughable piece of art. The game itself recognizes this. It's programmed to send you pop up notifications alerting you to a drawing that someone has sent you, rather than focusing on it being your turn like most app games do. Besides, using new colors increases your stats against the other player, too.
3. Don't be afraid of the harder options
Do you know how many times I've seen people draw out a heart or a circle? Too many. I can guess it before they even put index finger to screen. I'm bored of those. Let's move on. Don't be afraid to test your skills with some of the harder level words. While many of these happen to be celebrities—like Kanye West or Elton John—others are still fairly easy to draw if you know what cues to give your opponent. It results in more coins, higher stats, and a feeling of satisfaction. And, as a hint, if you're stuck on Kanye, everyone recognizes the shutter shades.
4. Use the shuffle button to examine the letters
If you can't immediately guess what your friend is drawing, take a minute to check out the letters. Undoubtedly you've played Words With Friends, scrabble, or some variation of the sort. Don't be afraid to take your time to see if you can't rearrange the letters to revive the mangled word.
5. Don't be tempted to use your bombs too quickly
Bombs are your friends. They eliminate a number of letters to help you guess what the word might be if you're really stuck. But you should only use this bonus feature when you're absolutely backed into a corner. Once you start throwing bombs down at every hint of hesitation, you'll run out before you know it. And you should really save those hard-earned coins for more colors rather than more bomb purchases.
6. Draw details
Help a brother out, people. As many details as you can think of to help your friend place context to your drawing will go a long way. Sure, you can draw a stick figure pretty quickly and be done with it, but a pair of glasses, some wrinkles, an umbrella or whatever makes sense for that round can help your Draw Something companion make sense of the sticks and blots of color.
7. Use arrows, circles, any form of indicator
Following in line with tip # 6, use an arrow, circle or any other indicator to tell your friend exactly what part of the drawing you're referencing. You might have drawn the most elaborate scenery possible just to show me one chair, but I need to know what I'm looking for amongst all the other details. But bravo for following rule # 6!
8. Resist the urge to Google
We've all been there. You're so close you can taste it. Just one little extra detail and you're as good as gold. A quick Google will just put your mind to ease, right? Wrong. It's not the same win unless you can decipher the drawing yourself. Don't cop out.
9. Use a tablet
If you can, I highly suggest using a tablet. The extra screen real estate really lends itself well to drawing with your index finger, which is usually a sloppy process. The roomier screen of an iPad would make it easier to draw more precisely. Bonus: A stylus helps tremendously if you're not too comfortable drawing with your index finger, but it does put you at a huge advantage over your opponent.
10. Don't cheat
This game is called Draw Something not "write out the word in a 2-year old's handwriting." You can't just spell out "soap" and feel victorious when I guess it correctly. It doesn't work that way. Writing a few vague words here and there as support is one thing, but flat out scribbling down the entire concept without so much as an ounce of effort is an insult to the game, your opponent, and yourself. Don't play the game if you feel compelled to cheat. I will delete you, every time.